Below are steps for installing COMBIgor using the provided installer experiment.

  1. Make sure you have the latest copy of COMBIgor downloaded on your computer. It can be found here.

a. If using Github, unzip the folder into the github repository you wish to work from.

b. If you are not planning on using Github, unzip the folder anywhere, it can be deleted after installation is complete.

2. Open the experiement called Installer.pxp located in the COMBIgor package folder you just unzipped.

3. Navigate to COMBIgor > Install in the Igor Pro menus.

4. When prompted, select the install type, and select OK.

a. If using a Github repository, select Alias for the install type. This will make aliases to the needed package elements and place them in the Igor Pro User Files, while leaving the actual COMBIgor folder in the repository, where it can be managed by Github.

b. If you are not using Gtihub, select Folder for install type. This will copy the COMBIgor folder into the Igor Pro User Files.

5. If you are upgrading, the installer will ask if it is OK to delete the old version. Select Yes. Your previous version will be copied to your desktop where you can choose to delete it at a later time. This is done so that any custom Add-ons do not get deleted by accident.

6. Once the installation is complete, close Igor Pro completly.

7. To use COMBIgor, initialize from any new or existing experiment by navigating to Data > Packages > COMBIgor on the Igor Pro menu.