The COMBIgor platform was developed at the National Renewable Energy Labratory, specifically within the Materials Discovery group.

The COMBIgor platform gets functionality from the use of Add-ons, which were developed by both the developer team and by inidivual contributers. For a list of contributers, please see the CONTRIBUTORS page.


Kevin R. Talley is a PhD candidate at the Colorado School of Mines in the Materials Science Program under Dr. Geoff Brennecka. At NREL he utilizes the combinatorial materials synthesis and characterization platform to investigate novel piezoelectric material systems, such as (Al,Sc)N.

Click here to find out more at Kevin's personal web page

Andriy Zakutayev is a scientist at National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), working on discovery of new materials for energy applications using high-throughput experimental (combinatorial) research methods. He was a postdoc at NREL from 2010 to 2012 with David Ginley, after obtaining his Ph.D. in Physics from Oregon State University with Janet Tate. Since 2012, Andriy became a staff scientist at NREL working with students and postdoc on multiple research projects, and developing the HTEM database.

Click here to find out more at Andriy's personal web page

Sage Bauers began as a post doc at NREL in Summer 2017 after completing his Ph.D. at the University of Oregon. His work at NREL focuses on high throughput discovery, characterization, and optimization of new nitride materials. He is particularly interested in utilizing thin-film synthesis in the experimental discovery of new metastable compounds inaccessible to conventional bulk approaches.

John D. Perkins has more than 20 years of experience at NREL in developing mixed metal oxide thin-film materials, including more than 10 years with transparent conducting oxide materials. He also has experience in developing and applying high-throughput synthesis and characterization approaches to optical-quality thin-film materials

Click here to find out more about John's work at NREL

Celeste Melamed is a Ph.D. student in Materials Science at the Colorado School of Mines studying photovoltaic materials. She currently performs high throughput combinatorial sputtering of ternary nitrides such as ZnSnN2 and ZnGeN2 at NREL for next-generation optoelectronics. Additionally, she has expertise in bulk single crystal growth and exfoliation of 2D materials for PV applications. She received a B.S. in Physics from Harvey Mudd College in 2015.