If you use COMBIgor to manage, analyze, or present data used in any publications, please acknowledge such by including a statement like:

"Experimental results were managed, analyzed, and displayed using the COMBIgor package for Igor Pro.[1]"

with the following citation

[1] K. R. Talley, S. R. Bauers, C. L. Melamed, M. C. Papac, K. Heinselman, I. Khan, D. M. Roberts, V. Jacobson, A. Mis, G. L. Brennecka, J. D. Perkins, A. Zakutayev. COMBIgor: data analysis package for combinatorial materials science ACS Combinatorial Science 21 537 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1021/acscombsci.9b00077